Each Plaque contains an individual QR Code which can be quickly scanned by any mobile device you might have. This will need a camera and access to a 3G or 4G mobile signal or wifi. Free QR Code reader apps are readily available to download for either Apple or Android devices.
Once scanned, your internet browser will automatically connect you to the relevant page on our website, showing you information, audio, video and pictures of the plaque site where you are standing.
(Using the QR Codes is optional, you can simply explore the Trail at your own pace using the website)
1. Download QR Code reader App from your mobile device
We advise doing this in a good signal area, prior to starting the Heritage Trail.
There are a number of excellent QR Code Reader (Apps) available FREE from your mobile device App Store.
Apple Mobile Device:
The best free QR Scanner for iPhone or iPad is its own default camera app which comes in-built with the device, starting with any iOS system from version iOS 11.
(Alternatively, download any free alternative QR Scanner on the Apple App store.)
Android Mobile Device:
From Google Play App store go to Business App category and search for QR Code Scanner Free.
( Blackberry Device: Search within BlackBerry App World)
(WindowsPhone: Search within WindowsPhone Marketplace)
2. Scan QR Code on Plaque
Point your in-built camera at the QR Code from a distance of approximately 300mm.
The App will take care of the rest, and you will be taken to the relevant pages on this website.
You can of course enjoy the Heritage Trail without doing any scanning or viewing of the website!
The Fakenham Lancaster Heritage Trail has been funded by the EU LEADER Fund, NNDC's Big Society Fund and Fakenham Town Council.
If you have any questions or require further information please email us on [email protected]
The Fakenham and District Community Archive has provided almost all of the photographs and given tremendous support and I would particularly thank Lyn Maple and Chris Chalk. Frank Readhead took many of the other photos.
Fakenham History Society has been very helpful and I would particularly thank Michael Welland and Jim Baldwin of Jim Baldwin Publishing Solutions.
Similarly, the Trail owes much to Phil Tompson of Cafe Menu Systems, our contractor, who has relied heavily on the design advice of Tim Duffy.
I have enjoyed collating the Trail's information and any errors are mine.
George Acheson
Fakenham History Society has been very helpful and I would particularly thank Michael Welland and Jim Baldwin of Jim Baldwin Publishing Solutions.
Similarly, the Trail owes much to Phil Tompson of Cafe Menu Systems, our contractor, who has relied heavily on the design advice of Tim Duffy.
I have enjoyed collating the Trail's information and any errors are mine.
George Acheson
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